Residential Electrical Services Photo Album: Service and electrical panel change in Lyons, NY
A new exterior service change and interior panel replacement to bring electric up to date and up to code for this Lyons homeowner was necessary due to damaging ivy on the exterior of his home. The before picture shows how large this ivy became causing electrical issues that could have caused a fire. The conduit for the electric service may have pulled completely out of a meter box. The new service has been cleared of this damaging vine and a new well organized and marked panel box will make it easier to identify when the homeowner or the technician needs to use it.
Damaging ivy was the cause for new exterior service
Ivy on house causing damage to the electrical work.
Ivy damages the electrical work at a home in Lyons
Ivy needed to be cut away and new service installed due to the damaged it caused.
Interior house panel overload in Lyons, NY
Interior house panel in need of updating and upgrading.
Completed interior house panel replacement in Lyons
This view is the completed new interior house panel, left with additional room for added circuits when needed.