Overflow parking lights
Here is the newly lit area for the overflow parking area. Dramatically different than prior for this Palmrya, NY church.

Daylight at night in Palmyra, NY
The LED's lights shining brightly on the snow covered driveway in Palmyra, NY.

New LED wall packs on Palmyra, NY church
These new LED wall pack lights provide enough light on the building to illuminate the entire sidewalk and driveway.

Full illumination for a Palmyra, NY church
This Palmyra, NY church is lit up and welcoming.

LED's give more light to a Palmyra, NY church
The new LED lighting provided much needed brightness to the parking lot and the walkways.

Parking lot lighting before at Palmyra, NY church
Lights were needed desperately in this parking area for patrons to attend evening programs.

More light to see here
This is what illuminating the parking lot did for the church in Palmyra, NY. As you can see, the lights were not yet up on the building itself, so we also took pictures of the new lighting on the building.