Serving station installed in Geneva, NY
Sykura Asian serving station

Self-Service Area Electrical Installation in Geneva
Illuminated and ready for student is the self-serve and condiment area.

Fresh fruit and vegetable area get electrical service
The new "Tossed" area where student can grab a fast, fresh and healthy meal.

Electrical stations installed in Geneva, New York
Again, the fresh vegetable and fruit station

Prep Areas have electrical systems Installed in Geneva
The stacks prep and service area

Multiple stations were installed at this food court
Service area for Italian cuisine.

Pizza Ovens Installed
Here is the Fired Up station where patrons can request a stone hearth pizza.

New Cafe electrical wiring Installed in Geneva, NY
Another food prep station with varied cuisine.

Complete Cafe Installed in Geneva
The Daily Dish preparation station will provide the chefs choice of the day.

Juice and Drink Bar
This station will provide a self-serve area for students and faculty to pick their choice of beverage in a well lit large area.